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FAQ about order, delivery,return,rental extension

Most frequent questions and answers

Start day is the first day you will use the camera.   Items will be shipped to you the day before you selected delivery day.  End day is the last day you use the camera.  Please return it by mail with our pre-paid label the day after you selected return day.

We accept all major credit cards.  Please make sure that the name on credit card be the same signing the online agreement with us.  We have the rights not delivering the cameras if the names are different.

We will send you a pre-paid return label.  When you are ready to retuen, please stick the label on the box and take to US postal office.  You don’t need to pay.  Once the sticker being scanned, we’ll be notified about the return time/date.  

If you want to extend your rental after the end date, please login and extend on www.tacticams.com/rental-extension. We will get back to you within 24 hours to let you know if  extension is available.  If the extension is denied by us, it is always because all cameras has been reserved on you selected date. 

For most case, NO!

We say most case because there will be exemption such as lack of verification information.  We will get your permission before we bill and process deposit.  

Cancellation is accepted if you send cancellation request 3 days before your start date, which means we haven’t shipped out the camera.   After that date, we will not accept cancellation and no refund,  

FAQ about Veo Camera

Most frequent questions and answers

Turn on camera.  Turn your phone to airplane mode. Connect to wifi veocam-xxx (Name and password on the back of camera).  Then go to website in broswer: cam.veo.co

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Please click below link to veo official website for details about : Checklist before recording; How to setup, How to record; How to save.

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Full charged camera can record 5-6 hours.  A 90 mins video is about 14GB

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Uploading is easy, just plug in an internet cable.  For details and status check, please click below:

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Once the final video completed, you will receive a notification by email.  Follow the instructions in email to the website: app.veo.co.  Create your account and access to your team video.